Sep 15, 2009

Short post

Blogging because I suddenly had the inspiration to. No pictures in this post cause I just want to post about something that I felt.

I realized that a lot of mothers and mothers-to-be started off without knowing much about baby. Even me, for the first time, I was clueless to the extend when my milk supply started then I realize I could feed my baby with it.

So for my 2nd time, I read up loads about baby care and breastfeeding. And indeed, it has helped me a lot up to now, cause I kind of know what to expect and how to deal with situations.

Parenting is a forever learning journey, no parents are perfect thats why we always got to learn, learn and learn. Every baby is different, so what works on other babies may not work on yours. That is why, we need to read more about them. Even for experts, those doctors or super nanny, they tend to have different opinions on the same question, so we have to read them, and choose the best way for baby and us.

You have to realize that, baby is yours, however he is going to be when he grows up or what happens to him, good or bad, its your responsibility. I strongly feel that if possible, the mother or the father should be the one taking care of the baby, because the only way he is going to grow up the way you want him to be is if you are the one teaching him yourself.

You may think, "He's only 1 month old, what can I teach him?" Be careful when you're thinking of that, because babies are smarter than you think. Let's see, within 1 year of their life, they are already learning how to flip, crawl, stand, walk, say bye-bye, throw tantrums to get the things they want, and lots of other things. Isn't that already amazing??

Ever heard of the saying, "San sui ding ba shi"? It actually means that whatever you are teaching your child in his first 3 years is going to be with him till he is 80. Which also means that, whatever you are teaching him now, is going to mould him into what kind of person he is going to be when he grows up. That's a huge responsibility, because you definitely won't want to mess up his life.

I look at myself, I have been spoilt from young, because I'm the only child in the family. And that has caused me to grow up to become 'what I want I have to get it'. And if I don't, I'll get very very upset about it. That is why, I don't like to spoil Tyler, because I don't want him to grow up to be like me.

Your parents or your in-laws or other elderly in your family may be telling you how you should take care of your child. But remember not every child is the same?? And in some cases, the harm don't show immediately, but is a life long thing. Just like smoking, you don't smoke once and get cancer, but long term wise, nobody knows.

Because its our child, someone we bear 10 months and went through so much pain to give birth to, I wouldn't even want to think of any 'what ifs' happening. Even though, they are elderly but eventually you are the parent, you should decide what is best for the baby.

A few cases, like feeding baby semi-solids. I know being parents, we are all very excited over feeding baby their first foods. But please do remember, its not advisable to start with babies below 4 months of age. It would be better to start at 6 months if there are any cases of allergies in your family. But I do see a lot of parents, starting their child on semi solids early just to let baby feel fuller, sleep longer. You have to understand that, for babies their stomach is still very small, so they can't go without milk for long. Especially for babies below 6 months, they still need their feed in the night.

It doesn't mean eating much means they will grow well, but its what you feed them that matters. For Tyler, his meals include lots of vegetables and also yogurt and fruits. It is essential what you feed them, cause it helps them to gain enough nutrients and its good for brain development too.

When we start on semi-solids, its because they are not getting enough from milk alone anymore, and they have to get the extra nutrients from food. And it also helps to train them how to chew and swallow. I ever heard of a mom feeding her son porridge through milk bottle, because she has no patience to feed him. Would you drink porridge from a milk bottle? Then what makes you think you want to let your baby do that?

Some babies may take a longer time to eat their porridge, and if that happens, I suggest giving a time limit to it. Meaning allow maybe half an hour for him to feed, if he doesn't finish, throw it away. Even if he is hungry, just give him water. Repeat a couple of times more and he'll know that he need to finish the meal within that time, and he shouldn't be playing around.

And then there are people who loves their kids, but they can't stand taking care of them. Ask yourself this, how would you feel if your parents feel that way too? Our parents give their all, providing and taking care of us, can't we do that for our child too?

Your child don't need to have tons of toys or lots of money, what they need is only you. Simple as that.

When you choose to be a parent, you know that there have to be some sacrifices. Like not being able to go out, not sleeping much, being tired but still have to remain sane. Of course I believe that, as a mother, we still can be as hot and pretty as any girls out there. But think about it, how long would you have your child sticking to you? 3 years, 4 years, 7 years? When they gets bigger they won't even want you to be home. There's only so little time that we can enjoy their young time, so why not make the best of it?

Sorry if I sounded harsh, but its all reminders to parents out there. My personal opinion, so if you may feel offended, my apologies then. Oops, say a short post end up so long.. haha...

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