Jul 12, 2009


Wanted to write on this topic cause I realized quite a lot of people don't really know much about it. And thinking back, when I gave birth to Jun En that time, I didn't know anything about it too. But now, I'm a super pro-breastfeeding mummy, although I only fed Tyler for 3 months (cos I got to go back to work night jobs). I really regretted not feeding him for a longer period lor..

Before we start, let's see some of the benefits of breastfeeding.

For Babies
  • SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is less common in breastfed babies.
  • Breastfed babies have a higher IQ.
  • Breast milk's nutrients is easily absorb by babies, that explains why some breastfed babies don't poo, cause they absorb everything!!
  • Breast milk contains immunities to diseases and aids in the development of baby's immune system.
  • Breastfed babies is rarely obese in later life as they tend to stop eating once they are full.
  • Breast milk acts like a tranquilizer for baby making them sleepy.
  • You do not have to burp them because they don't suck in any air latching on to you.

For Mummy
  • The bond between mother and baby is enhanced.
  • Uterus shrinks back more quickly.
  • Calories are burnt while breastfeeding, which means you can slim down while giving your child the best! You'll lose around 20 calories to produce 1 ounce of milk!
  • Reduces your risk of breast and cervical cancer.
  • No menses during breastfeeding. Saves pads, and its great for family planning! Because no egg will be released thus chances of you getting pregnant is very low.
  • No need to sterilize anything, feed baby whenever and wherever you need.

I still remember breastfeeding Tyler was like the best thing ever. I feel so great when I see how I satisfied him with my milk. And seeing him feeding, its just pure happiness. Although it may be a bit tiring at first (Tyler feeds every hr in the beginning), not getting enough sleep, milk supply still not there yet, but after getting use to it, I simply prefer breastfeeding to formula!!!

Formula milk is so expensive! I'm feeding Tyler Dumex now and its already almost $50 for the 1.5kg tin, which he finishes every 2 weeks.

Not very bad right?? Cause now he is eating 2 meals a day. Previously 1 tin like that only last him 1 week or so only lor!!

And don't say the waking up in the middle of the night making milk, its just such a chore to get out of bed lor! Breastfeeding and you could just turn to one side and sleep while feeding him. But be careful don't lie on him though...

I hate bringing all the barangs out too!!! Milk bottle, hot water, cold water, milk powder...........

Naturally every mummy would want to give their child the best. And breast milk is the best and the most natural thing in the world. Even though tiring, but no pain no gain right?

Some commonly asked questions below, to clear all mummy's doubts!!


What can't I eat during breastfeeding?
There is no rule as to what you can or cannot eat. Just be sure to take note whether your baby have a reaction to food that you eat, and if he does, try stopping for a few weeks and try again. Strong flavoured food such as curry may cause baby to reject the milk. Breastfed babies tends to be a less fussy eater in the future as they are getting a lot of different tastes now. Do eat everything in moderate.

I'm a smoker, should I stop breastfeeding?
No. If you are a smoker all the more you should breastfeed your child to give him the antibodies to counter the effect of smoke. Just try to smoke lesser and not smoke 1 hr before you feed him. It'll be even better if you stop smoking, but no matter what, breastmilk is the best for babies!

Its so pain breastfeeding!
Breastfeeding shouldn't be painful for you if you are latching on correctly. Take note that baby should be sucking on the aerola, not the nipple.

Is my baby drinking enough?
A lot of mothers faced this question. And also people around them questioning them too. What you can do is, check that they have at around 6-8 wet diapers everyday and they are constantly gaining weight. Babies will cry when they are hungry, and will stop when they have enough.

My baby only wants to latch on, he don't want any bottle.

Do not force him to take bottle if he don't want. Or you can try, leaving the house and getting a caretaker to feed him while you are gone. Some babies won't take bottle when they know that mummy is still around and they can latch on. Latching on is comfortable for babies and it helps to create a stronger bond between you and them!

Can we breastfeed while on medication?
Do check with the doctor that the medication given is safe for breastfeeding.

My baby's jaundice is taking very long to go off.
Its normal for baby's jaundice to last longer when you are breastfeeding. Just be sure to feed him more so that he's able to clear his system. If he's having breastfeeding jaundice and you are worried, you could try pumping out the milk for 1 day and feed him formula for that day. Jaundice goes away sooner or later, just continue breastfeeding him.

Can I take alcohol while breastfeeding?
Alcohol can be taken if its cooked in dish. If you are drinking it, preferably 2 hrs before feeding time would be good.

Can I take ginger if I'm breastfeeding?
You can have dishes cooked with ginger but try not to eat the ginger itself as it tends to prolong the jaundice.

Can I take coffee?

Try to limit yourself to 1-2 cups a day if you have to, but try not to if you don't want to face a fussy baby!!

My baby is feeding every hr!!!
Make sure that baby is feeding at least 20mins on 1 breast so that he's able to get the hindmilk which will make him more full. Foremilk will just be able to quench his thirst. Formilk will be more transparent in colour and hindmilk will be more milky white. It may be also just sucking for comfort or he is simply a big eater!

I don't have much milk.

A tip for all mummies (that I learnt from Mummy Jojo). Do latch on baby as soon as you've delivered. Latch or pump every 2 hrs for 1-2 days and soon your milk will be coming out loads! Milk supply are not stable yet for the 1st 6 weeks, so do feed on demand to keep the milk flow going. You can take food such as fish, fish and papaya soup, holick, oat cereal to help to increase milk. Medication such as fenugreek helps too. Do not be depress and feel that you don't have much milk, as it will cause your milk to be even lesser!!!

Do I need to give water?
Breastfed babies do not need water, as breastmilk is 70% make up of water. But you can still give a little to prevent them from rejecting it in the future. Giving too much water may result in your baby drinking lesser milk and gaining lesser nutrients.

My baby is taking a long time to burp.

Breastfed babies don't take in much air as they latch on, thus you may not need to burp them.

My baby refuse to latch on!
Try not to introduce pacifier or bottle during the early days as they may have nipple confusion. Pacifier tends to lower baby's appetite too.

Any other questions feel free to leave a comment and I'll post it.

Hope this has been useful!!!

(Above information has been researched and tested, however every baby is different so what may work on my baby may not work on yours, but do tell me and we could learn more together!!)


  1. hi...so u mean u have 2 kids la? jun en n tyler? or same baby?

    i duwan to sign on yo plurk cos mafan la...

    just think tt its cute tt ur get together date w gordan is gg to be ur wedding date too! sweet! xoxo

  2. I have 2 kids.

    Haha, cause I wan our wedding date to be a significant date too!

  3. You're a great mummy! (: stay happy and may ur kids grow healthy!


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