Apr 18, 2010

Friday - Shopping + Drinks

Met up with Su Wen and Enling for some lil shopping trip at Tampines. Love it when I meet up with the girls, cause we talk about everything and anything and we, like all girls, love shopping! And we rarely stop each other from buying, instead we'll tempt each other to buy more!! Hahaa.. 

Forgot to bring my camera when I left the house, so no pictures for you!! Janelle and Tyler was funny, Tyler was holding his toy, then Janelle snatch it from him, then Tyler cried! Also because he just woke up, not really in a stable mood yet. 

Janelle, cannot bully Tyler hor, see he always sayang you... (which was true, cause Tyler only will sayang kids and babies, wont ever hit them or push them, or even snatch their things!)

After our shopping trip, brought Tyler home, changed and went out to meet Peter and gang.

Love the new top I bought...

Me and Peter

Anderson and Jasmine

Father, son and mama.. lol..

Forced kiss!! Sweet though.. 

Stayed there for a while before heading to our next destination, Studio 69! And that's where the craziness started..

Fake drunk.. 

Snapshot by them while I was dancing..

And they played TECHNO over there!! Hahaha, so retro.. Last time used to chiong techno with my pals.. But didn't really dance, more like fooling around. I was doing the Singapore Workout, chicken dance, duck dance... Made them all laugh like mad! But had fun, and a good workout! Woke up aching all over today.. 

Family day out tomorrow, with Gordan and Tyler, hope the weather will be good, and it will be a good and fruitful day for us! 

Next post tomorrow! 
Meanwhile, hope you enjoy your weekend!!

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