Jun 18, 2009

To Those Idiots Who Are So Hardup For Friends

I'm so damn irritated!
(All thanks to those people who adds me on MSN to 'make friend' with me.)

Some saying they are readers of my blog, some saying they know me from irc, and some don't even say reason at all!

IF YOU ARE A READER OF MY BLOG, then I thank you for reading my blog but please respect that I don't start a blog to tell you about myself so that you can get to know me.

IF YOU SAY YOU KNOW ME FROM IRC, hello!!!! What year already, you are still playing irc???? It was like super popular when I was in secondary, but now??? Seriously I don't hear any of my friends using it lor.. It just makes me feel that people who are still using irc now, are just old man trying to deceive young innocent girls lor.. Seriously, can't you use a better excuse??

IF YOU DON'T EVEN BOTHER OR FOROT WHY YOU ADD ME, then be ready to get blocked. I hate people who tells me this. Unless you are adding 36235234 people everyday, there's no reason why you should forget.

Guys especially, I only got eyes for Gordan now. And any other guys just makes me feel disgusted. I have a lot of good friends around me, I don't need to know more ONLINE. What's the thing with knowing friends online?? Just like some people who adds people who don't know on Facebook just to increase their no of friends.

If you are so lack of friends, then I suggest you take a good look at yourself and think about why you are having so few friends.

Maybe its because of some girls who are willing to befriend these people that's why makes them thinks that its ok to just add people without their permission.

What's funny is, this person added me yesterday and I ask him who is he, why he added me. And he told me he is a reader of my blog. So I told him, sorry previously I wrote before already, don't anyhow add me and also thank him for reading my blog. Then he can tell me, then I should remove my email address from my blog. HELLO!!! If you had been a reader of my blog, you should notice that I have already removed it already when I finished my new blogskin! And what, you wrote my email address down and waited till today you are feeling bored then you add me?

I don't care whether I'm going to offend anyone, but I think that its just basic courtesy that you ask for my permission before you add me. If not, then get lost, I don't need you to read my blog.

(Feel so much better after ranting off....)

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