Dec 1, 2009

Blogging at random

I'm going for an interview tomorrow. And funny thing is, I can't remember what I interviewed for!! That happens, when you are just clicking on ads, and sending resumes, without even noting down who you are sending to. But well, hopefully it goes well. And hopefully Tyler cooperates!!

I'm sick of hearing people say that I'm getting too skinny. I KNOW IT OK? I've also been trying my best to eat more, but sometimes its either no appetite or there's nothing to eat at home or I'm busy! Looking at my own body, which I hate now, I know I have to eat more!! Don't really care about the boobs, but just want to cover the bones. Scary isn't it?

And dear Gordan isn't really helping by nagging everyday that I'm too skinny. My dear, why don't you do something about it, by buying me some food to eat? 

Been super lazy at home, and always overslept in the morning. So end up, poor Tyler have to have his breakfast at 11plus instead of 10 in the morning. Sorry darling!! He's been waking up for milk again at night though, probably due to his teething, I hope. Don't ask me to give him water, because he'll still fuss every 5 mins.

Hates it when he is teething, cause he gets so damn cranky. Happy can laugh till got sound, but the next moment you can see him throwing tantrum again. And he really cries till super kua zhang, only that there's no tears at all. 

Because of the pain from teething, he's been attempting to bite us alot!

Just the other day, Gordan got a rude wakening cause Tyler took his finger and bite! I'm not spared either, already got like 2 bites from him on my back. But he don't get away with biting me lor, when there's reward there's punishment too! 

Gordan says that I've been hitting him quite hard lately, but you see, this boy of mine, he's totally not scared of spanking! If you just give him a normal hit on his thighs, he'll just think that you are playing with him. Thick skin right??

Anyway, I've refrained a lot from hitting him already. Unless he really do something naughty or else usually I'll just scold him.

I want to bring him to swim!! My laziness and the damn weather is pushing my plans further and further. Today I was even thinking of packing up our room and all, but well, too lazy!!

Just in case this is starting to get lengthy, which it is, I'm going to end it out with a pic of mine!

See all the bones, haiz.... 

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