Feeling so stressed out, work, no time for Tyler and relationship.
Have to study a lot for my work, and seriously don't have much time to do so. When I reach home at night its already 8 plus. Then accompany Tyler, play with him until he sleeps already almost 11pm liao. 1 hr to relax myself, use a while computer, watch a little TV and its 12am!!! Nowadays I try to sleep by 2am, and 2 hrs really isn't enough to study anything lor..
Luckily my colleague has been helpful, so anything I don't know she is there to help me. BUT, she will be leaving on the 18th, so I'll be all alone there. So hopefully I can manage and don't get any complains!!!
I'm selling skincare stuffs for Mummies and Babies. So if you're interested, do drop by my workplace at United Square to look for me!! Shop's name is Mum Essential.
Really want to do well in this job, and I have quite high expectations of myself. But now, don't know why, probably because I'm too stressed out by other things, I just can't keep any info in my head!! Which is why I'm feeling so disappointed in myself now.. Argh, buck up buck up Olivia, you can do it!!!
Tyler is on his way to recovery now, so one less thing to worry. He's my motivation to rush home everyday after work!
Relationship, well, not very good. Been having a lot of miscommunications with Gordan. Really hope everything will be well, cause its really taking a toil on me. Feels like we're more like leading our own life now. Is all relationships like this, after a few years of being together? Both become like enemies, nothing he or she does makes you happy. Feel so tired that, everytime I try to talk nicely to him, to spend some quality time, he'll always mistook it for something else.
God, please give me more energy to handle all these can?
Been thinking that, perhaps, this is all a test. Although I don't believe in any religion, but I still think that there is a God somewhere. But no, I believe that that when you die, you don't go anywhere but vanished.
Grinding my teeth to get through all these, cause hopefully life will be better after that.
Was discussing with Gordan that we save up money for the next 1 year, to go on a holiday to Disneyland with Tyler and maybe also for our wedding. Hope I can save enough!!! I've never went to Disneyland before. Further that I've gone is Perth, Australia, and that was when I was like 8 or 9 years old, with my family. Saw Xiaxue's blog about her recent trip there and it seem so fun!! Think that Tyler will certainly enjoy that.
Alright, going to relax a while now, Tyler's blog will be updated tomorrow, so stay tuned!!
Ger Jia You!!!! You can do it.... Mucckkzzzz!