Feb 1, 2010

Sweet Day Out

Finally got my hair dyed again!!



Loves being a redhead!!! But then, the troublesome part is that red will always drop colour, so for now towels and everything is all red!! And my fingers will be red if I scratch my head too..

Day out with Gordan and Tyler. Initially didn't want to bring Tyler along, but Gordan's mum is heading out, so we got to bring him. Poor Tyler been having slight flu, hope he recover soon...

Having our lunch somewhere in Ubi..




And after that we went to Tampines for a short while. At last, I've gotten Tyler's new beaker, and new shoes! Now only need to get another pants for him for the CNY.. Brought Tyler to Toy R Us for some playtime...



Can you imagine, so many toys there and yet he's only interested in this!




Told Gordan next time I'll just buy those paper cups since he loves stacking so much, save money too!!

Playing with the umbrella...





Short day out, but enjoyable. Settled the quarrels with Peter and we're heading for movie tomorrow. Time to look out for a new wallet! 

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