Jul 27, 2010

I'm back

I'm back!!

Missed me??


Been busy with work and spending time with Tyler and catching up on my rest. Finally found the time to blog, so here's some outdated pics!!

Previous outing with Enling and Suwen..

Tyler seems to have master the funny face for taking pics..

Settled at CoffeeBean, cause we want to avoid shopping!

Work has been, well, busy. Colleagues are quite good to me, and there's always customer coming in so time passes quite quickly. Tyler fell sick on my 1st day of work. Seems like really every single time I start work he'll be sick. And he's the reason I've always put off working. Cause even though Gordan's mom is doing a OK job taking care of him, but its not really up to my standard. Half the time, I'm too tired or I closed one eye, thus I don't say much.

He's been becoming a little spoilt lately, like ignoring what I told him, not listening to instructions. Its only been a few days, I really can't imagine how it will be like in years to come. If only, I could just split myself into two, or maybe tio a big toto.

I could give Gordan's mom a schedule to follow, but seriously I won't know even if she don't follow right? And its hard to everytime explain nicely to her, when I'm dead tired after a long day at work, and still have to wake up early for work the next day.

Been so stressed up about things, that sometimes I hope that if only after I've finished work, I can only come home to Tyler, and not face anyone else. Cause everyone else just pissed me off, and makes me even more tired.

Enough about the passive things, I've got my new phone!

Nobody will ever know the real me, cause what they see is what I want them to see.

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