Tyler knows how to flip liao!!!!
But he only knows how to flip to his right side, and don't know how to roll back yet... Hahaha.. Maybe that's why he is not rolling all over the place, hahah...
I'm not going to use the baby cot for him liao, since he's been sleeping with us since birth anyway. So going to buy a netting put at the side so he won't roll off the bed. Need to get a car seat for him too!! Argh....everything is like so expensive lor.....
I brought the blender liao for making his purees!!! Next week going to start feeding him semi-solids liao, I'll try to post recipes as i go along ok??
Lots more pics store in my com, but no time to update, especially with internet down the past few days, and it was a really cock incident lor... The internet was able to connect but I can't use it. So I called Starhub, and the lady told me will get the technician to call me. But I waited 3 days and no news from them lor! I was so damn dulan that I called them again planning to scold them liao. Then the guy transfer me to the technician and he was asking me to check the modem see how many lights. I was like, "What the fuck is a modem??" I'm a computer idiot, you see. So he told me its connected to the router, so I searched and then discovered ITS NOT EVEN ON!!!! Wa lao, made a fool of myself liao, so I called Hubby and screamed at him for not even knowing the modem is not on.
But I'm so glad I'm able to use com now la... I had like nothing to do during that few days lor.... So ke lian... Anyway I'll update soon ya, got to clear my pics!!!