Just a random post of mine, cause I was reading Reader's Digest and came across this article on breastfeeding. How we were uninformed about the difficulties involved to succeed in breastfeeding.
They mention that out of 5 mothers, only 1 out of 5 mothers are still breastfeeding after 6 months.
And only 35% of babies are still breastfed from week 1, 21% at 6 weeks, and at 5 months only 3%.
That is so little right??
Despite the fact that most of us knows how good is breastmilk for babies.
They were saying that we always hear nurses, doctors or experts telling us how good is breastmilk, but we were never told about the difficulties in succeeding, unless we really read up more about it. Some people actually thought that they just have to wait and within 3-5 days, milk will come gushing in.
Which isn't true because without demand, why would there be any supply??
I know lots of mothers failed because they didn't have sufficient milk, or rather, they didn't know how to increase their supply. Some failed because of people around them telling them, "You don't have enough milk, just give the formula to baby, its good too." Which of course isn't true.
All the knowledge of formula is good comes from media, of the company who is selling the formula.
I just want to say that to succeed in breastfeeding isn't easy, but to give your child the best, you have to sacrifice some things too. Like not having enough rest, cause breastfed babies may feed every 2hr or even every hr. Like having to pump every 2 hr when your milk haven't come in yet. Its tiring, yes, but 1 month of breastfeeding your child is equivalent to giving them protection for 7 years.
Think about it, it would be so much better for you and baby if he falls sick less often right??
Right now, I don't think mothers who wants to breastfeed is getting enough help around. Even though there is breastfeeding classes, lactation consultants its still not enough. Especially when we have to go back to work, that makes breastfeeding even harder.
Unless of course we have an understanding boss who is ok with us going off to pump every 3-4 hrs..
Probably if our government come up with a new scheme whereby if you breastfed your child exclusively for 6 months, you get $2k, then I think every mummy will be super pro breastfeed.
One last advice for mummies, always remember that whether or not you have any milk, is depends on demand and supply. 'Storing' your milk for 3-4 hours, you are not going to have more milk, instead, demand cuts down so does the supply. The breast is very simple, when its empty it makes milk. Don't worry too, even if your child feeds every hr, because the more demand he has the more supply you have.
Just think of yourself as a milk making machine, haha...
If there comes a time when you feel like giving up, talk to your doctor, get more advice from him as he's the best person to tell you more about breastfeeding. Don't listen to other people when they say you don't have enough milk, or formula is better. Because they weren't able to succeed in breastfeeding so they think that you can't too. Ask mothers who are breastfeeding and they will probably tell you that just perservere on, its nothing, just stay positive.
Imagine 1 can of milk powder for 0-6 months cost around $50, and if we calculate the child needs 3 tins a month for 6 months, you'll be saving yourself $900!! That's the min amount.. And not including the amount you'll save from bringing your baby to the doctor when he's sick...
Alright, that's my own opinion, but I'm also not those kind of mothers who, you don't breastfeed your baby you are so mean, I just find it really a pity because of the reasons why mothers gave up.
Signing off now~
HAHA. I felt what u said is very true. Without demand there wont be supply. D= Im cheryl. A mommy-to-be and my bf said it's best to breastfed till baby is 9 months old. This is what he had researched till. HA! And i support breastfeeding! HAHA!
ReplyDeleteEven up to 1yr old is also good for the child de.. Its not easy to succeed, so jiayou and feel free to ask me if there's anything you don't know, I'll try my best to help you!