I love shopping for groceries.. And nowadays I'm kinda addicted to going to
Cold Storage!! Because they got a lot of Japanese stuff there! But its expensive lah... Gordan brought me to Parkway's Cold Storage that night to get some sushi stuff and baby's food.
What I bought....
Seaweed to bao sushi..

Potatoes to make puree for tyler

Apples for making puree too..

Carrots for puree also..
And super ex!! Cause its organic,
1 pack like this cost $7! But its good for Tyler so whenever I can I try to buy organic ones..

Baby Rice, Tyler is finishing up his one...

Milk for me!!!

Ham, just in case there's nothing to eat at home

Octopus for sushi!

my favourite, Salmon!

Blueberry Cheesecake, Gordan bought for me,
Nice!I'm going to post up some puree receipes and some weaning guides for mommies in Tyler's blog. A guidance for moms and moms-to-be, all researched liao hor and tried and tested on Tyler de.. lol...I went to Enqi and Enling's birthday celebration yesterday.
Vain me, asked my aunt to do my hair before heading out.
I love the curls!!!Anyway, I was
so angry before going out. Cause I had wanted to go Rebel later in the night, so I did ask them whether they want to go, if not I can just go myself. Then she told me, she'll ask the others first or maybe we go boat quay for a drink first then go down. So she was telling me they had intended to meet at 730pm for steamboat dinner. I didn't want to eat, so around 8 plus I called her, wanting to ask her what time they are going to finish then maybe I'll hang around Bugis waiting for them. Then she told me,
she is just about to go down only. So I was like, ok, so I'm ready to go out now and what you want me to do? And the reply she gave me was, "You see how lor!" Basically she gave me the kind of feeling that
even if I didn't go that day, it doesn't matter too. Then she say that some people don't want to club, go ktv is better.
I don't mind if you don't want to go, but since you know you won't be going then don't give me excuses that maybe go drink at the ktv first then go or what. Anyway the presents that me and Su wen bought for them is with me, so I definitely have to go down meet them. Went down, no choice got to eat with them.
But I just can't get used to the idea of steamboat and the soup base being mutton curry. Anyway, I only ate a little then we headed to boat quay. Found a pub and settled down. Then all the drinking and singing started. Enqi was quite crazy, keep asking us to drink all.
Luckily that place don't sell graveyard, or else I sure pay her back for what she gave me on my birthday lor!! I stayed till slightly after 12am, then went over to Rebel, cause I was meeting my friend there.
I was dancing around when this guy suddenly came super close behind me. I siam him and continued dancing, with my back to the poles. Then he came closer and closer, and I don't have anywhere to run lor.. Cause he was just in font of me!! Then I was getting frustrated liao, so turn around and started elbowing him. And it was super obvious lah..
But he deserved it. Thinking back, I should elbow his face lor... But he got the
'die die never give up' thinking lor, after that came again and actually a lot of guys was noticing this,
I guessed that they want to see whether he will succeed a not lor.. Then I just faced him and pushed him away.
Stupid idiot, not as if you are freaking handsome or you dance damn well.
And somemore I hate people who used this to get near girls. I wouldn't mind if you came to talk to me, I will still answer you,
but where the fuck is your respect when you started rubbing your crotch against people's butt? Anyway Gordan came and picked me up after that, and I was damn pissed off when he told me he went to the pub his ex is working at because he needs to return her money.
And he told me 3 days ago he is going to meet her to return her. And I'm angry because before that I asked him where is he going he didn't even tell me.
Only when everything is over then he tell me. Damn easily get irritated lately lor,
so don't trifle with me!! But I'll be nice if you are nice to me...
By the way, help me click on the ads at the right!!! Thanks..